né / born in 1980
vit et travaille / lives and works in Travnik, Yugoslavia

1999-2003: Academy of Art, University of Banja Luka, Bosnie-Herzégovine
2003-2007: University of Art Belgrade, Faculty of Fine Arts, Serbie

Solo Shows (Selection)

2016 : Aquaréelles: Katia Bourdarel, Quynh Dong, Radenko Milak,Galerie Bernhard Bischoff, Bern, Suisse 
Femalehero, Galeria Priska pasquer, Cologne, Allemagne
Radenko Milak&Roman Uranjek, Galeria Fotografija, Ljubljana, Slovénie
Radenko Milak&Roman Uranjek, Krank Art Gallery, Istanbul
Promise of an image, Galerie Les filles du calvaire, Paris
2015 University of Disaster et Endless Movie, Galería La Balsa Arte, Bogota, Colombie
2014 : 365, Kunsthalle Darmstadt, Allemagne
Big Time,Galerie Priska Pasquer, Cologne, Allemagne
Unfinished Story,Galerie Patricia Dorfmann, Paris
2012: I have said too much, I have not said enough, DUPLEX10m2, Sarajevo
Curated by Pierre Courtin
2012: And what else did you see? – I couldn’t see everything!, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrad/Belgrade.
Curated by Branislav Dimitrijević
2007: Intimacy of Planetary Event, Museum of Contemporary Art of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka. Curated by Branislav Dimitrijević

Recent Group Shows (Selection)

2016 : Répétition, Villa Empain,Fondation Boghossian, Bruxelles, Belgique
Shape of Tim,Future of Nostalgia,National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC),Bucarest, Roumanie
Malerei als Film, Kunsthalle Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Allemagne
Dates 3, Centre culturel de Belgrade, Serbie
2015 : Dates 2, Musée d’Art Contemporain de Zagreb, Croatie
Notes On The Beginning Of The Short 20Th, Galerie Emila Filly, Aussig, Républiquetchèque
Hommage à Malevich-Black Square Continued, Galerie Mestna / City Art Gallery de Lubiana, Slovénie
Notes on the Beginning of the Short 20th Century, Quartier21, Vienne, Autriche
Accrochage, Galerie Priska Pasquer, Cologne, Allemagne
Les Temoins, Centre d'art de Colomiers
2014: Memory of Violence, Dreams of the Future 1914-18/2014, Musée d’Art Contemporain de Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbie
Anmerkungen zum Beginn des kurzen 20. Jahrhunderts Gegenwartskunst zum 1. Weltkrieg, Motorenhalle, Kultur Forum de Dresde, Allemagne
Memory Lane, la galerie du jour agnès b, Paris
4ème Bienniale International e de Çanakkale, Turquie
Il s’en est fallu de peu, La Fonderie, Mulhouse
Sans tambour ni trompette, Cent ans de guerres, La Graineterie, Houilles
(Hi)Stories,Galerie Bernhard Bischoff & Partner, Berne, Suisse
Et la peinture, Galerie du jour agnès b., Paris
2013: EN-LIGHTEN, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff & Partner Bern; Curated by, Bernhadr Bischoff
2013: Show Room One, Duplex/100m2, Sarajevo; Curated by Pierre Courtin
2013: I CanBe Outrageously Patient, Museum of Contemporary Art of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka; Curated by Predrag Terzić
2013: I CanBe Outrageously Patient, Kuća Legata, Belgrade, Curated by Predrag Terzić
2012: International Underground, Piradmid Sanat, Istanbul, Curated by Bedri Baykam
2012: Premio Combat Prize, Granai di Villa Mimbell, Livorno
2012: Image Counter Image, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Curated by Patrizia Dander, León Krempel, Julienne Lorz and Ulrich Wilmes
2012: Individual Annotations, Künstlerhaus Wien/Vienna. Curated by Elio Krivdić
2011: No network – Time Machine, Biennal Nuclear war bunker Konjic. Curated by Branislav Dimitrijević
2010: Krieg. Kunst. Krise, Artpoint Gallery – KulturKontakt Austria, Curated by Elio Krivdić
2010: Where Everything is Yet to Happened (WEIYTH), part two - Exposures, SpaPort Biennial, Banja Luka. Curated by Antonia Majača and Ivana Bago
2008: Retro-spectrum, Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo; Curated by Ivana Udovičić and Maja Bobar
2008: Interspace, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad; Gallery of Cultural Center, Belgrad/Belgrade; Curated by Dunja Blažević and Sarita Vujković
2008: Salon Revolucije, Galery HDLU, Zagreb. Curated by Antonia Majača and Ivana Bago
2006: Continental Breakfast, Memory (W)hole, Museum of Contemporary Art of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka; Cutared by Barbara Novakovič, Kolenc
2006: Eastern Neighbors, Cultural Centre Babel, Utrecht., Curated by Dunja Blažević

Prix / Awards
2012: Premio Combat Prize for Drawing, Livorno, Italy

Public Collections
Collection d’Art Telekom, Allemagne
Musée National, Darmstadt, Allemagne
Musée Juif de Francfort, Allemagne
Gallerie Nationale d’Art de Bosnie-Herzégovine, Sarajevo,
Musée d’Art Contemporain de République serbe de Bosnie,
Banja Luka, Bosnie-Herzégovine
Collection agnès b. Paris